The mission of the Macon-Bibb County Land Bank Authority, Inc. is to create vibrant communities through the elimination of blighted properties, creation of affordable housing opportunities and enhancing economic activities in a manner consistent with local government plans and priorities.
The Land Bank Authority holds an inventory of tax foreclosed properties with clear and marketable titles starting at $2,500. A list of available properties and instructions to apply can be found at: Available Inventory – Macon-Bibb County Land Bank Authority.
Any project, from building a fence to constructing a department store, likely requires a "Certificate of Zoning Compliance" to ensure it aligns with Macon-Bibb County’s Zoning Regulations.
To obtain this certificate, your application must be approved by the Planning and Zoning department and then reviewed by various other departments. Once all approvals are secured, Planning and Zoning will issue the certificate.
A valid Certificate of Zoning Compliance is necessary for both a Building Permit and a Business License. Additionally, any construction over $2,500 requires a Building Permit.
More information, and the application to apply can be found at: Planning & Zoning Commission
The Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8) program, funded by HUD and administered by the Macon Housing Authority (MHA) in Bibb County, provides rental assistance to low-income individuals, families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Tenants typically pay 30% of their adjusted family income for rent and utilities, with MHA covering the rest.
Qualified households find rental units in the private market, and MHA ensures these units meet HUD’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Once a unit is approved, the family and landlord sign a lease, and MHA signs a Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract with the landlord, paying the subsidy directly.
MHA values partnerships with local landlords to secure affordable housing and continually seeks new participants for the Section 8/HCV program.
Find more information at: Macon Housing Authority - Housing Choice Voucher (Section 8)
HomeFirst Housing Resource Services, Inc. is the only "Comprehensive HUD Approved Housing Counseling Agency" in the Middle Georgia area offering access to resources and information about all aspects of homeownership. HomeFirst can be utilized for any homeownership project to identify an eligible buyer that meets income requirements.
More at: About | HomeFirst Housing Resource Services, Inc.
LEARN WHY MACON IS WORTH THE INVESTMENT is an initiative by the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce, funded by the Peyton Anderson Foundation. It promotes Macon, Georgia, highlighting its vibrant arts scene, diverse job opportunities, and welcoming neighborhoods. The site aims to attract talent and businesses by showcasing Macon's unique blend of history, innovation, and Southern charm.
Explore more at: Home | Choose Macon
The Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority (MBCIA) is the lead agency for attracting new business investment, encouraging the expansion of existing industries and improving the quality of life in the Macon-Bibb County area.
MBCIA has generated more than $1.87 billion in private investments, created 3,400 new jobs from industries that include Amazon, Irving Consumer Products, Tyson Foods, Nichiha Fiber Cement and Kumho Tires Georgia.
Learn more about the advantages of Macon at: Local Data - MBCIA.
Code Enforcement has played a crucial role in Macon, Georgia's Blight Fight initiative. Since its establishment in 2021, the department has focused on identifying and addressing blighted properties, which often include abandoned buildings, overgrown lots, and structures in disrepair. These efforts have significantly improved neighborhood aesthetics, safety, and property values, contributing to the overall revitalization of Macon.
Read more at: Macon-Bibb County Government